New Games?

 In Blog


It’s been a fair old while since my last blog post!
To be honest, I forget all about it! So many other jobs to do! That’s my excuse, anyway, and I am sticking to it.
So why now?
Well, I just wanted to give you an insight into plans for later this year…

First off, we are hoping to have a Christmas room this year!
It would take the place of our Seance game for a couple of months and would be set in similar surroundings.
Working title is ‘Christmas Presence’! Keep an eye out on our social media for more details once summer is over.

Secondly, it will soon be time to say goodbye to our Seance game forever. It’s had a really good run, approaching 1000 teams who have braved our resident malevolent spirit! So if you haven’t yet played, you  might want to consider booking up before it’s too late.
The current plan, funds permitting, is to create another adult themed game, probably in the horror genre. Working title is ‘Killjoy’ – a renowned serial killer who captures and tortures his victims!
Again, watch our social media for updates after summer!

Happy escaping, folks!

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